Blessing of Oils and Consecration of Chrism

The Holy Mass of Chrism was anticipated on 25th March, 2024 at St. Anthony’s Cathedral, Kandy with the participation of the whole Presbyterium of Priests, Religious Priests, Sisters, Brothers and lay faithful. It was presided over by Most Revd Dr. D. Valence Mendis, the Bishop of Kandy in whose presence the Priests renewed their Priestly promises of humility, chastity and poverty.

His Lordship in his homily noted that, We, the Priests and Laity are called to be anointed by and to anoint the Lord who has called us to this anointment by living a witnessing life which in turn becomes an anointing. He explained this point quoting Scripture passages where Jesus was anointed by people at the house of Simon the leper and at last by Nicodemus. His Lordship invited the Clergy and the lay faithful to lead this authentic life of witness in the world filled with terror and confusion.
The Priests of the Presbyterium left for their monthly recollection held at Fatima Retreat House, Lewella.